Category Archives: pixilation

{embrace the camera} october 25

embracing autumn in our yard, a ticklish baby, and a boy who wouldn’t pose with us but tossed leaves on us instead…


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Farewell, 2011. Hello, 2012!

2011 was a full year. Aaron worked, traveled, and continued his grad school program. Brandt turned 1, learned to walk, started to talk. I finished up 11 months of pumping, got pregnant, miscarried, got pregnant again with our baby girl. We did some major yard projects, visited Texas, West Virginia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Missouri. Whew!

2012 promises to have much in store, too. Blessings, challenges, and things we can’t anticipate. God’s grace in it all.

Happy New Year!


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From Us to You

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{embrace the camera} nov. 17

Brandt is fascinated by my camera right now. It’s challenging to photograph him when he lunges for the camera as soon as he hears it focus. Then he wants to see the picture and push as many buttons as possible.

I took this shot at arm’s length, an attempt to inure him to the camera’s lure so that I could get down to the business of capturing him at play. (It didn’t work.) When I showed him the picture, he pushed some buttons and somehow managed to correct the lighting. So here’s our collaborative effort – photography by mama, editing by B!


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{embrace the camera} nov. 10

We have four large maple trees that carpet our yard with leaves in the fall. It’s taken Brandt awhile to warm up to the idea of playing in them. The first time we placed him in a pile, he cried and reached to be taken out. Then, he decided it was okay to be with a parent in them. Now, he walks right into any pile in the neighborhood and starts tossing leaves in the air.

Here are Brandt and me during Stage 2 of Leaf Acclimation:

Two things run through my mind when I see this picture: 1) I love the glee on his face! 2)  I could use some dye to cover up those grays…


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{embrace the camera} may 19

Daddy’s turn! I love this shot of my two fellas walking on the Lake Michigan beach (from our Michigan trip earlier this month; more pictures to come).


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embrace the camera {4}

With the birthday boy during his weekend of celebration…


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embrace the camera {3}

Pictured with his daddy (a few weeks ago)…



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Happy Valentine’s Day!

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embrace the camera {2}

Yesterday, I embraced the camera (via timer) with Brandt on my 31st birthday. So much to thank God for on this birthday!



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