Eight Months

Gwendolyn, you’re 8 months old!

(no 8-month calendar picture; fail!)

By the numbers: 8 months old. 17ish pounds. 6 feedings per day. 1 night waking. size diapers. size 6-9 month clothes.

Here are 8 things about you at 8 months old:

1. You started crawling. The ultimate motivation? Your desire to grab your brother’s sippy cup.


2. You roar.

3. You clap.

4. Your fluffy hair is growing long and now forms tufts over your ears.

5. You eat finger foods now–Cheerios and small pieces of banana.


6. You love books with baby pictures in them; you smile and giggle and babble when I read them to you.

7. You’re beginning to pull yourself to a stand.


8. You snort when you laugh.

Lindo, I love you 8 times a million.

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