Infertility History

The short version: (Relatively) unexplained infertility, 7 IUIs, 4 IVF/ICSI cycles.  The last IVF cycle (using my own frozen eggs) finally yielded a positive result–and a baby boy 7 months later. Since then, I’ve had 3 more spontaneous pregnancies (1 early miscarriage, 1 full-term baby girl, and 1 currently on the way).

The detailed version:

01.05 start trying to conceive

10.05 OB-GYN orders bloodwork to check estrogen, thyroid, and progesterone (progesterone low [4.5], but test results are misread as OK until 03.06)

03.06 referred to RE

05.06 first appointment w/ RE

07.06 IUI #1 (Clomid)

10.06 IUI #2 (Clomid)

11.06 IUI converted to timed intercourse (Clomid/Follistim)

01.07 IUI #3 (Clomid/Follistim)

03.07 IUI #4 (Follistim)

05.07 IVF/ICSI #1

07.07 IVF/ICSI #2

08.07-12.07 treatment break; change to a new RE

01.08 HSG shows blocked fallopian tube

02.08 laparoscopy/hyteroscopy to repair tube; Stage I endometriosis found and removed

04.08 IUI #5 (Follistim)

05.08 IUI #6 (Follistim)

08.08 IUI #7 (Follistim/Repronex)

09.08-02.09 treatment break; change to a new RE (again!)

05.09 IVF/ICSI #3 (now with oocyte cryopreservation)

08.09 IVF/ICSI #4 using eggs that had been frozen during IVF #3

09.04.09 positive beta of 116 9dp5dt!

09.11.09 second beta = 1058

09.17.09 bleeding leads to an emergency ultrasound, which reveals one baby and a subchorionic hematoma; third beta = 8656

09.24.09 second ultrasound shows a shrinking hematoma and a heartbeat of 132bpm for baby

EDD 05.14.10

03.15.10 Brandt Hilleary born at 31 weeks via emergency C-section

05.11 spontaneous pregnancy #1 ended with early miscarriage

07.11 spontaneous pregnancy #2

03.27.12 Gwendolyn Mae born at 41 weeks (VBAC)

12.12 spontaneous pregnancy #3

EDD 08.27.13

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