Playing Catch-Up

I did not mean to take a 3-month break from blogging. At first, it was the holidays and end-of-semester responsibilities for the homeschool class I teach that kept me away.  Then, it was first-trimester pregnancy fatigue and sickness.

Yes. I’m pregnant. Due August 27.

This is old news to those who know me in real life. To my blog friends, surprise! We were–happily–surprised, too.

I started suspecting I was pregnant the week before Christmas (specifically, wearing a scarf for some last-minute shopping made me want to gag, a weird thing that has happened to me with all my pregnancies now), but it was too hectic to test then. I took a home pregnancy test on the day before New Year’s Eve, and I told Aaron as we drove to a family party. “What are your expectations for the new year?” I asked him. “Oh, I don’t know. Anything could happen. I suppose we could even get pregnant and have another baby in 2013!” he replied. “We are,” I said. So we’ll have three children ages 3 and under, with the youngest two only 17 months apart. Thrilling and surreal, after so many years of infertility, of wondering what kind of story God was writing.

Now I’m nearly 13 weeks along and starting to feel a bit better. So, with the return of energy and with a week off from the class I teach, I hope to address the backlog on the blog. Starting–tomorrow–with Gwendolyn’s 7-month post, which has been sitting in my drafts since October (she’s almost 11 months old now).


Filed under gestation

4 responses to “Playing Catch-Up

  1. What wonderful news!! Praise God!

  2. Aunt Sandra (Garrard)

    We are so happy for you! What a wonderful story God has for you! You have such beautiful children and all of you have been so blessed. Hurray for your family!!!!

  3. Yay! Posts from Andrea! And of course yay again to the news. 🙂

  4. Wow!! Surprise, indeed! Congrats!

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