9 Months

Brandt, you’re 9 months old today!

By the numbers: 9 months old, 7 months adjusted age. 6-8 oz per bottle x 4 bottles per day. 1-2 servings of solids x 3 meals per day. 2 doses of reflux medication per day. 2 naps per day. size 2 diapers during the day, size 3 overnight. size 3-6 months clothes. 15 lb 14 oz.

Some observations on your personality: You seem like an extrovert, taking after your dad. When your daddy travels and you and I are home alone, you get extra grumpy. When we go out and see friends, you’re perky no matter how late you stay up. In general, you’re also rather moody, flashing quickly from smiles to screams to tears and back again. The other day, you were wailing in your bouncy seat while I showered. After I finished, I picked you up and plopped you on our bed while I continued getting ready; as soon as you were sat down on the bed, you switched from tears to unprompted giggles. But no matter what mood you’re in, you love to snuggle. You always prefer to be held. When you’re sleepy, you nestle into my shoulder. You’re a sweet baby boy.

You’ve become a real giggle machine in recent weeks, and mama’s your favorite clown. We did some grocery shopping today, and you chuckled through the aisles every time I wagged my head at you. You laugh when I read certain books to you, especially anything with animal sounds or other silly noises. Mr. Brown Can Moo is the biggest hit currently; I clap hands with you for the “klopp” of horse feet, and I shake your tummy a little for the “boom boom boom” of thunder, and you crack up. Other things guaranteed to elicit your giggles: when I stand with my back to you and spin around fast saying, “Boo,” and when I tickle your collarbone. As you might guess, I do all those things a lot, so that I can hear your precious laughter as much as possible.

Your physical development seems accelerated these days. You sit well now. Though you still topple occasionally (“Boys tumble!” we say), you’re mostly steady. Sometimes, when you reach for a toy, you transition from sitting to getting up on your hands and knees. When you’re on your tummy, you scoot around in circles, reaching arm over arm as you seek certain toys. You love to stand, if we hold you up by your hands or lean you against a table or chair. In addition to all of those developments, you’ve discovered more of your voice. You scream when frustrated; we put a finger over your lips and tell you, “No screaming!” You say “ba ba ba” and “ma ma ma” in the cutest way, smacking your lips over your gums as you form the consonants. We can’t wait for your first words.

You sleep through the night now (mostly)! Daddy gives you a bedtime bottle at 7:30 p.m., and then I rock you and sing to you before putting you in your crib. Once you fall asleep, we typically don’t hear another peep from you until 7:30 a.m. It’s a blessing we don’t take lightly! You and I rock and sing before all of your naps, too. I usually sing hymns to you, like “Great Is Thy Faithfulness” and “Be Thou My Vision” and “Come Thou Fount.” This month, I’ve been singing Christmas songs: “Silent Night,” “O Little Town of Bethlehem,” “Once in Royal David’s City,” and others. If Daddy puts you to bed, or if you fall asleep somewhere other than home and without your routine, you tend to hum yourself to sleep. I cherish these little habits.

And I cherish you, Sugar Boo.



Filed under Brandt

7 responses to “9 Months

  1. Andrea, every time i read your blog and see pictures of Brandt, it gives me reason to praise God and to be reminded of his faithfulness all over again! i rejoice with you every time i read of another milestone with that precious baby boy of yours…

    have a i mentioned that he is so yummy?????


  2. Aleece

    I second Patty’s motion. He is yummy. Thanks for sharing the photos and thoughts of your sweet boy. Your family is such a blessing to us!

  3. Angie

    My favorite picture of the cutie pie is the one where he is STANDING by the raccoon. Now where is the pause button? These sweet babies need to slow down.

  4. Aunt Kathy


  5. Oh my–that second picture: just. like. Aaron!!! And then the one by the raccoon: how did that happen? Wasn’t he just about the raccoon’s size, um, yesterday???

    🙂 So fun to see him here!


  6. Nadia

    Love reading about your sweet moments together. Thanks for the reminder of what a joy, gift, and privilege everyday mommy hood is.

    Happy 9 months, sweet boy!

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